Reclaim Your Power

As a high-performing woman, you may find yourself faced with overwhelming pressure and in need of a break. At those times, it’s essential to know how to reclaim your power and get back to your best self.

Power is the ability to create your own circumstances. The truth is, you can’t thrive without power. It affects the way you live, your relationships, your emotions, and your performance.

When you give away your power, you start to lose functionality in the areas of your life that fuel peace, growth, and joy and allow you to feel whole. You may feel powerless when you’re doing things that don’t align with your values, feel fear (or guilt!) for saying “No,” or feel like you have no control over your current situation.

I was feeling this in my business recently. With all the growth I’ve gained in the past 8 months (Woohoo! Gratitude!) I was finding myself feeling overwhelmed—and powerless—with all the added responsibilities and client demands. I found myself mired in the muck of additional administrative stuff that needs to be done, but doesn’t truly bring me joy to do.

Realizing the work demands outstripped my bandwidth, I got help. I hired a (fabulous!) marketing assistant. By doing this I re-established my ability to focus on the work I love (serving clients!) and put some boundaries around what I don’t want filling my calendar.

The added cost more than justifies the PEACE I feel not having to deal with feeling swamped and falling behind on deliverables. Not to mention the added SLEEP I’m getting because I’m not staying up late to hammer out work. Moreover, by freeing myself up to focus on what I value and enjoy, I show up differently. There is a tangible energy shift when I’m with clients and with my family (just as my husband!). Finally, soon after I made this adjustment, I got confirmed for a national keynote speaking gig!

I don’t think it’s coincidental.

My time is now more spacious.

My mind isn’t cluttered with energy-sucking tasks.

Creativity and ideation come with ease and excitement.

By working in my zone of brilliance, my confidence remains steady and high.

To realize meaningful change, power is essential, and personal power, which is the beginning of any other type of power, starts within. Here are four ways you can step boldly into your power and stay there:

1. Self-Awareness

One needs to have self-awareness to know when life is feeling misaligned. Regularly check-in with yourself to ask, “How am I doing?” and “How is this working out for me?”

2. Identify Your Values & Live in Them

Your values are the guidepost, or compass, that direct your choices. Honor yourself and don’t be so quick to compromise your values. What’s important to you? If you value health, make sure your choices align with creating a healthier lifestyle. If you value connection, spend time developing healthy relationships with others — and with yourself.

3. Self-Responsibility

Self-responsibility is at the core of making change. No one is going to do it for you. Hold yourself accountable (or find a pal to help), and do what you say you’re going to do so that you can truly experience the joy and peace you crave.

4. Set Boundaries

Knowing yourself enough to know what you’re willing to experience is essential to growing in your power. Saying “No” and setting limits aren’t weaknesses; they’re strengths. Remember: who/what holds power over your energy ultimately holds power over you!

It is only through reclaiming your personal power that you will be able to have financial, emotional, relational and spiritual power.

Hit reply and let me know: Where in your life do you feel you need to reclaim your power?

Live well,

Gigi Gibbs