Feeling Your Freedom

Recently I had the privilege of visiting my children’s 86-year-old great-grandmother, Nana.

She went into her back room and puttered around for a bit. She came out with some old, tattered papers for me to keep.

One of the documents was the birth certificate of my children’s grandfather.  


It’s important to point out the context:
This is from Alabama in July of 1957. Jim Crow laws still ruled the South and Nana didn’t even have the right to vote. 

Now what struck me about this document (aside from the dated use of “Negro”) was that under “FATHER OF THE CHILD,” there is box 11a. “Usual Occupation.” 


However, under “MOTHER OF THE CHILD” there is no "occupation" title. 
Instead, it reads in box 16. “Children Previously Born To This Mother.” 

“How come there is no “Occupation” box for the mother?” I asked Nana.

“A woman’s job was to stay home and have children,” she said. 


That reality hit hard. 

This was a legal, state document. 

Y’all, we’re only talking 64 years ago!


64 years and states didn’t even recognize a woman’s choice to do anything other than reproduce and mind children. 


(Aside: As a mom, and recent SAHM over the past year, it’s not lost on me how challenging is “a woman’s work.” Your girl just wants options, y’all!)


As I drove home, I thought about the life I lead as a woman who has chosen to have a career and be a mother. 


Today, I’m feeling incredibly grateful:


  • My job is in an industry I sought and chose.

  • I am doing work I am passionate about and is impactful.

  • My work-life doesn’t infringe upon the time I spend with my family.

  • At the end of each day, I’m not feeling the heaviness of “Mom Guilt” because of time spent away from my children “because I have to work.”

  • I enjoy a lot of autonomy over my time and choices.

  • I am feeling free!


As some Americans recognize Independence Day today, I encourage you to pause and #Celebrate where you are feeling a sense of freedom and joy in your life. 


Truly honor yourself and feel the deep gratitude you have for the freedom you have seized and created. 


Take a moment to give appreciation to the “Nanas” in your life who have enabled you to enjoy this freedom. 


Feeling UnFree?


If there are parts of your life where you’re feeling trapped or unfulfilled, examine what choices you’re making. 

Ask, “How am I compromising my felt sense of freedom?”

What choices are making you feel like you’re 

  • always on the go,

  • beholden to “have tos,”

  • guilty about “should dos,”

  • and so far removed from the peace you deeply crave?


If you’re feeling stuck or unfree, book a complimentary Breakthrough Session with me.
We’ll spend 30 minutes collaborating on how to create more freedom and #EASE in your life.


This life is short.

Live well,
